Morning Mind Dump with Trie

S2E8: Feeding the Right Wolf: Lessons from Legends and Synchronicity

This episode dives deep into the inner battle we all face, inspired by the Cherokee Two Wolves story. We also explore how moments of synchronicity—like watching Legacies or encountering the right message at the right time—can guide us in feeding the good wolf within. Let’s reflect on how the choices we make and the connections we encounter shape our paths toward growth and harmony.

Which wolf are you feeding more often?

The good wolf 🐺
The bad wolf 🐺
It depends on the day!

I am mindful of my choices and consciously feed the wolf that brings light, love, and growth into my life.

“The wolf that wins is the one you choose to feed.” – Cherokee Proverb

Remember, every moment is an opportunity to choose. Feed the good wolf, my friends.

🎙️ Hey friends! Guess what? Because Morning Mind Dump doesn’t already keep me busy enough (ha!), I’ve got another channel for you to check out: Traveling Trie Tarot!

If you love Tarot readings that aren’t all “woo-woo” but real, grounded, and packed with insight, come hang out with me over there. Let’s dive into the cards together and uncover some practical guidance for your journey.

👉 Check it out here: Traveling Trie Tarot on YouTube.

See you there, and let’s talk Tarot! 🃏✨

Music Disclaimer:
The music featured in this episode was produced by AI through the platform While the lyrics were written by the host, the song’s composition and arrangement were generated with the assistance of artificial intelligence technology. All music rights are owned by the respective AI music platform, and no human musicians were involved in the production.

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Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.

